Rings (2017)

“Just when we thought it was safe to pop in a VHS, Rings (F. Javier Gutierrez, The Crow, Before The Fall) decides to make its triligiolastic debut. Okay that’s not a word, but this is barely a movie…”

The Neighbor (2016)

The Neighbor, written and directed by Marcus Dunstan (The Collector, The Collection, Saw IV), follows John (Josh Stewart, The Collector, The Collection, Transcendence), a middleman pushing coke in the bum-fuck, middle of nowhere which is Cutter, Mississippi. Him and his girlfriend, Rosie (Alex Essoe, Starry Eyes, Passion Play) have big plans to escape their life of crime…

Rampage: President Down (2016)

I know, I know, technically Rampage: President Down (Uwe Boll, Alone in the Dark, Assault on Wall Street) isn’t a horror film but it is a thriller and the overall theme of the film is unnerving enough for me to feel compelled to write about it  (plus the death toll is insane). Brendan Fletcher (Freddy VS Jason,…

The Neon Demon (2016)

The Neon Demon, Nicolas Winding Refn’s latest masterpiece, has been the victim of ample scrutiny and the judging eye of an illiterate and uncivilized movie going audience for the past couple of months since it’s release on June 24th. Half the people are screaming ” yay!” while the other half are screaming “wtf did I…

The Forest (2016)

Aokigahara. The name sends a tingle down the spine of Japanese culture. It is a forest at the northwest bank of Mount Fuji and a popular destination of death (suicidal death to be more accurate). On average, 100 bodies or more per year are recovered from the mysterious woodlands and it remains a cultural phenomenon…

Hush (2016)

I dont know about you, but whenever a masked serial killer is stalking me I’m thankful for every single one of my senses. I see them walking past the hallway, I can smell the stench of my boyfriend’s fresh blood dripping from the knife, and I can hear the footsteps as they near my shitty…

Emelie (2015)

Remember that babysitter growing up that was sweet and nice when your parents were around but turned into a mega-bitch bully the second they walked out the front door? Well Emelie (Michael Thelin, 2015) is that girl times ten.  In Thelin’s feature narrative debut (he normally does live shows and musician interviews according to his…

The Poughkeepsie Tapes (2007)

If you’re like me (and I am very forgiving), you probably have seen what seems like 100,000 found footage or “documentary style” horror movies. They all enjoy a shaky handheld camera, give no apologies for form or quality, and ultimately it’s up to the writing and acting to convey all of which you cannot see….

The Mind’s Eye (2015)

“Zack Connors and Rachel Meadows were born with incredible psychokinetic capabilities. When word of their supernatural talents gets out, they find themselves the prisoners of Michael Slovak, a deranged doctor intent on harvesting their powers. After a daring escape, they are free from his sinister institution, but the corrupt doctor will stop at nothing to…